hello, 2024.

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Honestly, every time I begin drafting a blog post, I get stuck. What should I talk about?

The fear of my personal writing being perceived by an online audience paralyzes me. But, that’s what I’ll be leaving behind in 2023.

My love for writing is far greater. Ultimately, I hope I can help others who are also navigating this new era of adulthood feel less alone.

It’s been hard to swallow harsh truths since entering my 20s. I’m thankful for those who ground me, especially the unexpected friendships turned kinships I made this past year.

Now, since this is my first blog post ever, it wouldn’t be perfect without a sneak peek of my 2024 vision board. My board is a mix of things I love: snowboarding, traveling, reading, journaling, and concerts. I tried to capture the feeling of an open road.

I only have two resolutions for 2024, besides a new car, plane tickets, and tattoos:

  1. Don’t be so hard on myself.
  2. Stay consistent.

Hopefully, my vision board inspires you to create your own and also allows you to get an idea of who I am. I am one who believes in manifestation, but you can’t manifest anything without hard work.

2023 was painful, but that’s a story for another time.

2024 is turning things around. I am excited to share my experiences in the coming year, and I hope you stick around on my journey!

thanks for reading,


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